The chirpy chatter of lorikeets wakes us in the morning.
"Fucking birds...", you mutter and slowly detach yourself from the jigsaw puzzle we formed during the night.
I love those birds. I'm not really offended though, because I know you don't mean it. Even with the pillow covering your face, I can hear your smile.
Just as we drift back to our dreams, the sharp tone of a mobile phone alarm sounds...
It's mine.
Snooze #1: Just 15 minutes more...
By minute #6, we're wrapped together again, ignoring that slightly annoying smell emanating out of our dank mouths. That's what love does... Familiarity however, tends to undo that somewhat, so by day #32 you'll be getting up secretly at 4.30 just to brush your teeth for me.
By day #102, we'll probably think that kissing just gets in the way of breakfast.
Dar...dar...dar... Snooze #2: Just 15 minutes more...
This time it's minute #8 before we're back to our jigsaw puzzle, feigning sleep to appease the god of Time. But he isn't easily fooled.
Dar...dar...dar... Snooze #3 ...
It's 9:07am. I'm at work now - slightly late - but feeling more alive than ever before...
Just as my heart skips time whenever you're near, my day skips through its paces until I'm back with you again and finding where these pieces of our lives fit together.
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