You will never know if you don't look someone in the eye. Some people just have "those" kind of eyes. The ones that pierce through your social bubble and leave you a little bit intrigued, slightly turned on and spinning on your heels.
You know those stories you read, or have heard, where someone meets someone at a department store, or just walking back with a bag of groceries? They do happen. But here in Sydney, it seems harder to find, because people seem to have lost the subtlety of flagrant flirting and really looking into someone's eyes.
I dare you to try it. Take any given day. Walk with confidence, even if on the inside you don't think you are all that confident. Boldly, but cheekily, look into the eyes of guys that you are attracted to. Don't take no for an answer... Create the cheekiness, add a sparkle to your eye and let the intrigue begin.
One of my mates describes it as "smiling with your eyes", and I think that pretty much sums it up... I've tried it out, after being encouraged to give it a go from a friend, and I have to say that a few times - it's worked like a charm. Maybe I'll add a few stories in here later on...
Anyone in Sydney had good experiences with flirting in public? What's your method?
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